Category Archives: Software

Performance improvements in the upcoming Subversion 1.7 release

I just tried out a build from the Subversion 1.7.x branch which appears to come close to a final release. Instead of creating .svn directories everywhere, the new working copy layout switches to a central storage using SQLite. You will only see a single .svn at the top most directory of the working copy. Details are outlined in the preliminary release notes.

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Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1300 with Linux kernel 2.6.38

After the upgrade to Linux kernel 2.6.38, the boot process for my machine hang quite long while Populating /dev with existing devices through uevents. After investigations it turns out that the cx88 driver used for my Hauppauge WinTV HVR-1300 tv card was not correctly converted to the new mutex system while removing the BKL. This is being tracked in the kernel bugzilla as bug #31962.

Fortunately, there is a patch attached to the mentioned bug report which resolves the problem:

cd /usr/src/linux
wget -O cx88-2.6.38-fix-driver-deadlocks.patch ''
patch -p1 < cx88-2.6.38-fix-driver-deadlocks.patch

[Edited on 2011-04-23: replaced patch 52902 with 53722]

After applying the patch, build and install your kernel as usual. But there are still some more problems with 2.6.38 related to tvtime. See also my next post.

I do not follow kernel development close enough to know in which git tree this has to show up to confirm if it has been merged yet. Hopefully this patch will make it into the next kernel release.

Checking expiry dates of SSL certificates

Once again I missed the expiry date of one of the SSL certificates on my server. Therefore I am now using a cronjob to warn me early enough that a certificate is about to expire.

This is the script /usr/local/bin/ssl-cert-check which checks the expiry date of the certificate files passed as arguments:

for file in "$@"; do
    openssl x509 -checkend $(( 86400 * $DAYS )) -in "$file" > /dev/null
    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        echo "==> Certificate $file is about to expire soon:"
        openssl x509 -enddate -in "$file" -noout

And the corresponding cronjob entry checking SSL certificates once a day:

6       6    * * *  nobody  /usr/local/bin/ssl-cert-check /etc/apache2/ssl/*.crt /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.pem